Friday, May 23, 2008

my latest obsessions (besides blogging)

First of all, these. Well, not exactly. I LOVE riesen ( "Storck chocolate Riesen, Mrs. Lange" as the commercial used to go) Also in the family of Werther's Originals. But they have a new chocolate candy not pictured here. I can't find it online. "chocolate caramel dark" is what it says on the wrapper. and it is so delicious. has been in the "candy jar" at work this week, and I keep eating and eating and eating it! this is a weird paragraph, but anyways, I'm obsessed with this candy.

My other obsession is this blog. (thanks, Angie P.) I spent all last weekend reading every word of it, and checking out a couple of the links on it. I absolutely love her photography, her style, the way she writes, etc. but it is also heart-breaking. I'm not a big fan of clicking on things intentionally that I know will make me cry, but there is beauty there, too.

And last but not least, after admitting to being obsessed with a stranger's blog...I pose a question...addressed a little in my comment section recently. Is a "lame" comment better than no comment at all? I think yes, definitely, I like to know who's reading. Alot of you can attest to the fact that I have posted my share of lame comments on your blogs! AND just because the commenter thinks it's lame, it really usually isn't to the blog author. I have read several blogs that are just as entertaining in the comment section. I LOVE that on Megan's blog she always responds to comments and has full-fledged conversations going on there. That happens alot on other blogs I read, too. Now I have a good idea of how this "poll" is going to pan out, those who comment regularly will comment again saying "yes! comment!" and those against commenting don't comment anyways, so they will just read and move on...thanks for visiting, and I really am ok with that, but don't be afraid to comment...

I think I will do an actual poll on my sidebar... :)


Stacy said...

Oh, thanks for the good cry with your blog link! It makes you want to hold your kids so tight and never let them out of sight. At least that is how I feel! Wow beautiful stuff!

Jeni said...

Oh...I've seen this is so heart wrenching.

re: know I love the comments!
re: Reisen: Yummy!

GINGER said...

I have read that blog. Love it. I am always up for a good cry though. I love comments. I totally agree with you that they are rarely if ever lame to the blog author. It is fun to know someone is reading about you no matter what they say.

P.S. I love Reisen. I have to hide them or everyone eats them. I actually have a bag hidden in my laundry cupboard right now. I think I need to go get one.

meegz said...

I read parts of her blog -- HOW did her daughter die? What was the accident? Do you know?
I LOVE LEARNING from others -- blogs are great for that!! I LOVED Jeni's post about front porches and lemonade -- I picture us all just hanging out talking about what keeps us going.:) THANKS Becky
OH and most of my comments are OKAY, it's the ones that are at 12 AM that are a bit LOOPY!:) and I still post those too:)

Tiffany said...

Oh,that was so sad. I'm counting my blessing.The pictures, I wish I had pictures like that of my kids.
beautiful blog....

Reisens, never had one. Maybe you should share. aaahhhhhh
Comments I love them..

amy said...

Her photos are amazing. I just cried over the article in the paper about the 4 year old that saved her baby sister...

Meegz - Nobody knew that she climbed into the car in the summer and shut the door, she died at the hospital a few days later.

Comments are a good thing

Shaury said...

Well - you know I do like comments, but I don't like the courtesy comment. It's like an insincere compliment.
Never tried a Reisen, but will for sure

Jenny Kapp said...


Shaury said...

Thanks for the Reisens! It was yummy, but killer on my cavity. After David had his he had to come home & eat a few more chocolates.