Monday, May 19, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly...

I'm torn about what to post today. Of course I want to report on our half-marathon experience, but I'm not in a very good mood. My last post was a bit of a downer, so I don't want to have 2 of those in a row, but I feel a little phony if I post all happy and smiley today...I came to the conclusion that it can all be summed up and broken down with The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly...
First--THE GOOD:

these are my family members who participated in Saturday's events (minus Abby, Phoebe Jane and Will) Top row is Johnathan (my brothers friend from Texas) who ran the full marathon with Cory, Cameron, my nephew ran the half and was the first to cross the finish line in the fam. Cory, my older, running obsessed brother, who ran the full. Next row is Michael and Wendy...Wendy of course is my sister. She and her husband Michael ran the half. Next is Paige, Cory's wife who ran the half, and then Brandon. Bottom row is Wendy and Michael's little guy Chip, who was very excited to run the Kid K!
Brandon did an excellent job! He had told us 2 hrs. would be best case scenario, but plan on him being closer to 2:30. He crossed the finish line at 1:57:34.75. Awesome! And I'm afraid he's hooked, he's already looking for his next race...
My older 3 kids ran the kid K, and I was so proud of all of them! Little Phoebe was not to excited to participate, and was almost in tears as we dropped her at the starting point, but to my surprise she was the first of the 3 to come into view, with a perfect runners stride and a huge smile on her face! I didn't get her time, but I was way proud of her. I think this will be just one of many this summer for her. Abby, the competitive soul that she is, made me extremely proud, too. Of course I had expected to see her first, and way ahead of Phoebe, but she squelched (temporarily) her strong desire to compete and waited for her little brother, who "cramped up" after about 25 seconds of running. She walked most of the way with him, until the finish was in sight, at which time we spotted her sprinting for all she was worth past all the other little walkers... And little buddy came running to me, beet red in the face, crying, until I pointed that he was almost to the finish line, then he started jogging and actually finished the race. He was the most excited about the race before it started, but turns out it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I was proud of him for finishing, and he says it was kind of fun, and he does plan on entering more races. Cute little Buddy! :)
All in all, it was a fun family day! I was an absolute horrible picture taker, so I am relying on those pictures taken by other folks...maybe I'll post them later, or link ya'll to their blogs when they post.
I did get this cute shot of our little cheering section! My dad had shirts made for all of us "Big Foot Farms...Run Til You're Done"

now for THE BAD:

It seems I have forgotten what I had in mind to post under the bad, so we'll just leave it as "my mood"...


Yesterday Brandon made Dutch Oven Lasagna and Mississippi Mud Cake for dinner. That wasn't ugly, it was great, but as Odie was digging in, I decided not a good idea to eat lasagna in his sunday shirt, so took it off. No sooner had I done so than he was stung by a bee on his back. That is the 2nd time this month for the poor little guy! Luckily, he is not allergic or anything, so he felt better after a few minutes. BUT later on...Brandon was inside washing dishes and I was out watching the kids enjoy the beautiful weather, and Poor Little Odie decided to try his luck at walking across hot coals! (He must have heard grandma Arnell's success story...) The bottom of his cute little feet are so blistered and sore! We spent the rest of the night sitting on the front porch eating popsicles and watching the other kids play. He is not one to be held, he likes to be out running around with the kids, and kept forgetting about his feet, until he stood up! Poor little guy! And what would we do without Nurse Chris across the street? He was more than willing to come over and take a look at him, and instruct us in caring for Odie. I think we are on his list as the worst parents ever! We are always turning to him with our kid's issues! Can you blame us? Not everyone has a Nurse from Primary Children's living across the street, and related, to boot! Thanks, Chris.
Anyways, Odie is doing much better today. He is not as happy as he usually is, and can only walk on tiptoe. I think he gets tired of that, because every so often he just parks himself somewhere. He slept like our good little Odie last night, but fell asleep for a very early nap at 10:30 this morning, so I know he doesn't feel great...What next?
I saved you all the gore of taking pictures of his burnt little feet...Phoebe has always said gross things make her "bum jiggle" and Will recently said he finally knows what that means..."your bum actually vibrates when you see something yucky!" Well, last night Abby declared that nothing has ever made her bum jiggle, but the sight of Odie's feet did! Poor Odie!
So that's it...perhaps my tuesday tell all tomorrow will bring things up a notch!


Diana said...

Way to go Brandon - under two hours that awesome!!! Love the matching shirts, your dad is an amazing grandpa. As far as the bum jiggle that is hilarious:) Poor Odie:(

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about little Odie's fire walk escapade. It took me nine months of classes to prepare for my walk :) I am so happy to hear that Brandon beat his expected time on the half marathon & I am especially proud of Abby, Phoebe & Will for doing so well in the Kid K. Grandma Arnell

Ellie McFreaken said...

I have been so excited to see everyones pictures from Sat. I was going to ask to take your picture when I saw you guys but I think people get tired of me ALWAYS taking pictures so I didn't ask.
Brandon did awesome! I can't believe that people can really do just seems so hard to me but I have to say watching everyone run through the finish line is so inspiring. It makes me want to at least try sometime.....maybe:) So tell Brandon Congrats!!!
I am glad you post the Good, Bad and Ugly....we all have those days. I have them way more than I like to.
Poor lil' Odie's toots that has got to be painful!
I am going to email you and ask you a few questions.

GINGER said...

Congrats to Brandon, and your kids. That is great. That is terrible about your little guys feet. But never doubt that you are a great mom. You are amazing. I read your blog all the time looking for tidbits to help me improve. Hope your week gets better as you go along.

Becky A said...

Inspiring, definitely, and emotional! for some reason...I think I need to dedicate an entire post to why simply WATCHING the finish line brings so many to tears...

Ellie McFreaken said...

why is that? I was so emotional watching people and it wasn't even a family member. I cry WAY too much.....(usually happy tears but still I have weak tear ducs)
My favorite was a mom and daughter holding hands running together and as we are all thinking "Awwww so sweet" the daughter takes off and leaves the mother and you hear the mother saying "hey...WAIT FOR ME!" Nope that moment was gone and so was the daughter! No tears for that one...I laughed so hard!

amy said...

I'm so sorry about Odie's little feet. Congrats to Brandon and all of the kids on their amazing running!

meegz said...

Congrats to your running family!!:) So sorry about those cute tootsies! Motherhood--- what a crazy thing!!:) SMILE!!!:)

Tiffany said...

Hey I have pictures of brandon I'm just not sure how to send them.
How's poor Odie's feet? If you need anything call me!!!

Aleesha said...

Matt ran the half marathon too. I can't believe I didn't see your family there with all your bright red matching t-shirts.

I cannot believe how big Cameron is! I'm so glad you posted that picture. I haven't seen Paige and Cameron in a really long time.

Stacy said...

Congrats to all the runners.
I am glad that I am not the only one with the good, the bad, and the ugly stories. Poor little Odie. I hope all is well in a day or two. I hope the rest of the week is much better.

Jeni said...

Wow! Look at all your comments! You are so popular! :) Brandon did awesome!!! I am so happy for him...and the other kids who ran too! Great job!
I am laughing so hard about the bum vibrations...I have felt that myself :) & haven't been able to describe it in such a good manner as Will..he's a genius!