Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What I Learned Today...

Today I learned that it only takes 30 seconds to paint a 3-year-old's little fingernails, but the joy in the 3-year-old can last all day! I'm always telling Lucy Maybe later, or when I'm done with this...but today, even though I was in the middle of sorting laundry, and had a zillion other things to do, I sat right down and painted her nails. It truly didn't even take a full minute, and we both felt better about the day!


Diana said...

That's why my favorite quote is
"To a child love is spelled TIME", I need to post it in every room of my house I am constantly hearing myself say "in just a minute" or making their request conditional of them doing something else 1st, such as "1st clean up your room, or 1st put this away or 1st go brush your teeth..." Like you said it only took 30 seconds to give her total happiness. Way to go mom!

Aleesha said...

I totally agree with that. Painting Maya's nails is one of those things that puts a big huge grin on her face. Thanks for the reminder that it only takes a short amount of our time and attention to make our children feel special and happy.

GINGER said...

Hey Becky. This is Ginger if you can't figure it out. I found your blog the other day, and I was so excited. I thought I was almost all alone in blog land. Not anymore. Great minds think must think alike. I just finished painting Belle's fingernails. And I usually put it off too. Yeah!! There are two happy little three olds today.

Becky A said...

Ging! I will be visiting your blog later on today...yay, I'm so excited to have a new blog to enjoy! thanx for commenting.

Jeni said...

Becky! Lucy is all grown up! She is so cute! You are an awesome mom. I'm going to paint nails tonight!

Ellie McFreaken said...

You are a great Mom Becky. I came home from a doctors appointment Monday and found nail polish all over our island. WHY you ask? Because I kept telling her we would do it sometime and of course I kept putting it off. SO... She decided "I don't need her! I'll do it my self!"
So as I sat there and read your post I looked over at the Hot Pink stain on our island and was reminded that 30 sec would have been a better option.