Thursday, April 10, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Read the 5th sentence.
4. Post this sentence on your blog.
5. Tag 5 people.

So the nearest book is Utah Curiosities by Brandon Griggs. My mom just gave me this book last week, because she knows I absolutely love this kind of crap. This will go on my bookshelf right next to Best Hikes in Utah with Kids. I love living in Utah! Abby and I are fighting over this book, it has a lot of fun stuff that makes you want to get out there and explore our awesome state! Anyways, the 5th sentence on p. 123 is:

"But regular folks can use it, too."

I'd say that's a pretty fun sentence to post. You have no idea what it's referring to. Should I leave it at that, or should I explain? ... it pretty much goes against my personality to leave it at that, so I'll tell you. it's a page about shredding and sledding in Park City, specifically the Utah Olympic Park. Ever been there? We went a few years ago, but didn't do any of the events available except for the museum devoted to Utah's Olympic history. I'm a big fan of the Olympics, too, by the way...
I tag: Tiffany J. Angie M. Aleesha Jenny K. and Diana and anyone else who hasn't done it.
And if anyone knows why the pictures I upload from the web turn out so blurry, a little help would be appreciated. :)


GINGER said...

I am here to help. The reason your pic is so blurry is because of the image size. If you are searching in google images make sure you click on 'full size image" and then save it, or copy it. Some pics on the internet are just tiny and will be blurry but most will come in a larger size if you click on them.

How do I know this? I had the same problem and researched. Hope that helps. It drove me crazy 'til I figured it out

Becky A said...

Thanks, ging! once again, the blog queen! I'll try that next time. I would try to fix it this time, but too much work. :)

Jenny Kapp said...

I love that line! You can use that daily for many reasons! Utah rocks! So much to see! I don't think most people explore Utah enough! So much to do here, better than Disneyland!

Tiffany said...

Thanks for the fun today(lol)
I wish I had a good book!!!!
Hey I saw Heather today. Did you know she had another baby? That makes 4 for her 3 boys 1 girl crazy
any way she told me to tell you Hi.