Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm smart

so i was beginning to worry that i couldn't string any thoughts together except those involving my children. i did not want this to be just the dreaded "mom-blog", but everytime i sit down to blog, guess what's on my mind. well, you don't have to guess, if you are a regular reader, you know, it's my children, especially lucy, apparently. so last night at work i tried really hard to figure out if that is really all i ever think/talk about. i swear, i listen to talk radio! i read! (not just children's books) i even have adult conversations, every once in a while! more than half of my co-workers don't even know i have 5 children, so, i asked myself, what do i talk with my co-workers about, besides work. i decided that i choose very interesting people to chat with, so i mostly listen. for example, my buddy bill that sits by me was telling me on saturday about his days when his children were young and they had dairy cows. well that got my attention right away. at our house, we remember fondly the days of leon's cows that my dad was responsible for. brandon's glory days as a cowboy! so bill actually only had 2 or 3 cows at a time, but he had more milk than he ever needed. milk fresh from a cow grosses me out. i don't think i could drink it, but then he tells me he used to make YOGURT! at first, that sounded even more gross, but no, he had a yogurt maker, he described the whole process, very sanitary, etc. i was fascinated, and a little jealous! how great would that be to make your own organic yogurt! he also had honey bees...fresh honey, too. what a life. that is so mine and brandon's dream world! so does this conversation make me sound smart? no. but it does prove that i have a few brain cells left that are capable of learning new things and talking about them. funny. this is too long already, so i won't even get into the woman i used to sit by who's husband was actually a gold prospector...


Diana said...

I true friend can be honest right??I prefer the kid stories... it shows where your heart and priorities are. Motherhood is the hardest and most rewarding job, since it is a job - that makes me your co-worker and I think your insight is every bit as interesting as Bill's.

Jenny Kapp said...

You are funny! Fresh milk, bleack, fresh yogurt, same bleack!!! just so you know, your word verification word today for me is ztxnfmxv. Tooooo much! That is if I type it correctly the first time!

Ellie McFreaken said...

Becky...I loved this post but I am fine reading about your cute kids too. But seriously, I am dying to know how to make yogurt. A girls blog that I love (and of course don't know) posted about just that. So, I would have sat by your friend at work with a pen and paper and asked for step by step on how to make it.
Why are we not running our own farm Becky???? ( I would have a hard time with the sheep though...)
Check out this blog..she is pretty extreme with her views so just take it like a grain of salt but for me it has been really helpful with food issues I have. SHe is the one I got the Carribean Taco's Go into her history and read my explains why she is so passionate about food.
Okay enough from me.....

Ellie McFreaken said...'s tuesday jan 18 on that blog so you have to go pretty far back!