Tuesday, April 29, 2008

To Privatize or Not To Privatize?

That is definitely the question. What are your thoughts on the matter, readers? I am seriously considering it. I heard a sort of spooky story at book club tonight that weirded me out a little. But at the same time, I love when I run across a blog belonging to someone that I haven't talked to in a while, or someone new finds and comments on mine. Brandon says it would be in my best interest to make it private, but not because he's worried about freaky things with strangers. He has other issues. Ugh, I don't know what to do! And also, I admit to reading stranger's blogs, and I'm okay with strangers reading mine, as long as they aren't crazy weirdos. Just innocent blog surfers, like me. Your thoughts on the matter, please?


meegz said...

Megan Eborn here -- remember me from preschool?? :)i don't know -- I have the same concern -- but here I am checking out your blog and being inspired to be a better Mom -- sooooo, hmmm? the question still remains....

GINGER said...

I have wondered the same thing, but I love finding people who I haven't seen in a while. I love meeting friends and giving them my blog. The friendships and fun relationships out-weigh the negative for me. There have been many times that I have read a blog that has helped get through something or find a new perspective, and maybe I can do the same for someone else.

Bottom line for me is, just be cautious. No listing personal info or addresses. Geiselmayr is uncommon, so I guess someone could hunt be down easy enough anyway. I think I will stay public. Hope that helps you. (I am sure it doesn't, but ...)

Jenny Kapp said...

The internet has good and bad things about it no matter what you are doing - so does life! I guess we have to take the good and the bad together and try to find what is best for us. I think that is different for everyone though! Weigh the ups and downs and then decide what is best for yourself! I know - not much help!

Ellie McFreaken said...

I got to talk to Diana yesterday at the park .If it wasn't for your blog than we probably wouldn't have chatted. SO, I love that we can connect with people through each other.
I went private on my Read The B and I will with Mommymoments365 as soon as I get to it.
If you do stay open just do what Ginger says. NO personal info about where you live. I went back in my Readtheb before it was private and took out all things leading to where we might live.
How about a map like mine? That tracks everyone that gets on. Not personally but then you at least know if it is some place you are not familiar with.
OH to go private THAT is the question......

GINGER said...

One more thought. Maybe you need more than one blog. I have blogs for my kids and I will gladly add anyone to their permission lists who ask, but they are private. I also have a personal "ginger - uncensored" blog that is private. I try to keep our family one light hearted and just fun info.

P.S. Kid ones are fun. My kids love to type on them, and it's fun to read their personal perspectives

Jeni said...

Oh Becky! This is a hard one. I am such a safety freak that I should be private...but I get so mad (not really mad-just bugged)when I want to read someone's blog & click on it & it's private! :) I haven't heard of any freaky stories yet on open blogs...YET that is...:)

Anonymous said...

My cousin uses nick names for every member of her family, and that makes her feel better. There is a way you can at least keep the search engines from finding your blog if someone is looking specifically for you. But obviously that doesn't work with the surfing. The story freaked me out too! For now I vote for staying public, just being cautious. What's Brandon's problem with it?

Tiffany said...

I was waiting for a new post! I didn’t really want to touch this one. If you do go private can I still come? Aahh Oh “Idea” on your profile you could put your Email address that way if someone found you they could always email you, and you could invite them then.
Good luck with that one!
Love ya:)

E-Club said...

Hey, if you do make your blog private, include me!!!!! it's Eli, my email is 14egrubb@davis.k12.ut.us, not saying you should, but if you do include me!!!!!

Angie said...

I call an invite!!! I feel like I've gotten to know you so much better and I've really enjoyed it! As for the whole private thing I just joined the blogging world and didn't quite realize how easily you can just hop onto someones blog, a little creepy, but in saying that also, I have been able to come across some of my old soccer teammates blogs through other friends and have loved hearing how they are doing. So it really is a top up. Good luck making the BIG decision.

Angie said...

I call an invite!!! I feel like I've gotten to know you so much better and I've really enjoyed it! As for the whole private thing I just joined the blogging world and didn't quite realize how easily you can just hop onto someones blog, a little creepy, but in saying that also, I have been able to come across some of my old soccer teammates blogs through other friends and have loved hearing how they are doing. So it really is a top up. Good luck making the BIG decision.

amy said...

Amy here - I have learned a lot about blogging in the past month from you and you didn't even know it! Saying that... it is kinda scary to have anybody read your stuff, especially when your kids are involved.
Em LOVES it when Luucy's picture is on your blog! "That's my friend, how did she get on our puter?"