Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Post-Vacation Blues!

We got home from Mesquite this afternoon, but I'm not yet in the right frame of mind to post about our fun trip! I decided I like to get home at night and go to bed right after trips, instead of getting home in time for a soccer game and 5 hours before bedtime for the hooligans. I am not a patient person, and after 6 hours in the van with said hooligans, I don't have any patience left to hang out around the house counting down 5 MORE hours until I can put them to bed! They were all so very over-tired and out of control...UGH! And my baby boy has a fat lip. I came home from Buddy's soccer game AND pictures (that was another trial on my patience for the day, by the way) and Brandon was standing by the door holding my crying little baby with a washcloth on his lip. I didn't witness the event, but the story goes something like he was running for Brandon and Brandon just thought he was running, not to him, so he jumped over him. Brandon jumped over Owen. I know, this does little to explain the fat lip, but that's the only story I got. and all Abby can do is laugh about it. I don't know if she was a witness or not. Poor Odie can't tell his story, of course, and Brandon, being Mr. Easy Going, doesn't feel it necessary to share any details. Weird. Oh well. He (Odie) ate some pudding and went to bed. All is well. Except I'm still in a bad mood. I think it has something to do with all the JUNK I ate all weekend long...buffets, etc. I need to do a cleansing diet thing. I searched for one at New Year's but didn't find exactly what I was looking for. Angie M. don't let me down...My mother-in-law should have some herbal words of advice, too...By the way, Debbie, any pictures of Brandon with dreads? We only had 3 and he lost 2 of them. I'm sick about it. OK, this is getting rambly, if that's a word...(Even more than usual)
P.S. Happy Earth Day!
P.P.S. How about them Jazz?


Tiffany said...

Your back hey! I've missed your blog. aahh I hope you had a good trip.Sorry aboout your blues. Nothing worst then having to come home from a fun trip with the fam.... Way CUTE picture!

Diana said...

I don't know - sounds suspicious fat lip and no details, perhaps a call to child protective services would make him talk. J/K Brandon is top on my list of amazing Dads :)

Ellie McFreaken said...

Sounds like a fun trip! What I hate about coming home from a trip (camping mostly) is driving in the driveway and realizing that you have to unpack your car and all the crap that has somehow accumulated in it! UGh!
Hopefully the weather will get better I swear it's in the air with the blahs! I definately have it. I feel like staying in my Jammies all day and drinking smoothies!

Stacy said...

I am sorry about the after vacation blues. It kind of puts a damper on the whole thing sometimes. Just think of the great memories you are building with your family! That makes it all worth the drama. :)