Saturday, September 27, 2008

I wish...

I really wish I could just let my hair dread, without people thinking I was on drugs or homeless. I REALLY like that look, and my hair is in a constant state of about 3 days away from dreads. Ah me...I guess I missed that window. I should have done it when I was young and less inhibited.


Jenny Kapp said...

You could totally pull it off. Not very "mom" like though! Sorry!

Anonymous said...

I'm like you, only I've always wanted to shave my head. Weird? Sometimes I think being a member of the church makes stuff like that hard, getting a dress to look good on sunday with dreads/shaved head. :) I had my chance to shave it when T lost his hair, but my mom said that my kids were scared enough, they didn't need their mom going bald, too. Ah, man.

Mindy said...

You silly girl. Everyone wants what they do not have. So love your hair because you know someone else already does.

Diane B said...

Silly girl...people would love to have nice thick hair like yours. 'member how "cute" I fixed it when you were little???

Shaury said...

Oh no mom, don't remind us. Missed you guys at Sunday dinner!

GINGER said...

My mom comments on you hair almost every time I see her. She LOVES it. She commented on it at least 5 times when we sat behind you at the women's conference. It is beautiful hair, I agree. But I do feel for you. We have way to much hair going on at my house.

amy said... it and hate it all in the same day

Ellie McFreaken said...

You of all people could pull it off Becky!
I'm laughing at Mandy's comment. Too funny!

Diana said...

I say go for it - October is the perfect month to pull it off. Wait a few weeks then do it the day before Halloween, attend a costume party in your dreads then enjoy it for a few weeks. Perfectly justified - you were just being a way fun mom and getting into the Halloween spirit.

Tiffany said...

(lol) That is so funny! I can't wait to see it you go girl!
Thanks for helping me out today your the best...

Jeni said...

I always wanted dreads too...I kind of tried...back in the day. It didn't work. Like the others have could pull it off & still be beautiful! Lucky girl.

Beckey said...

Becky- you have always had beautiful hair! Long hair is hard to keep up on though, my hair is getting pretty long and I am considering cutting it...but my Maddie keeps getting shorter and shorter. She had hair down to her waist and she cut it in May 2007. Now it is above her shoulder and even though I miss playing with it and doing extravagant hair styles on her, I am LOVING it in the mornings when we are rushing around to just run a comb through it and call it a day!

Stacy said...

i love your hair but I completely understand how you feel. I have so been there! I could however tell you a horror story about dreeds. Find an easy 5 minute hair do like mine and there will be one less thng to stress over.(seriously, 10 minutes tops from wash to done for my hair style.)We spend to many emotions over our hair. The worst part is that everyone else will always love what we do with it no matter what we are thinking about it ourselves. Aren't we a funny bunch!lol

Stacy said...

P.S. Your girls will probably want to follow suit if you get your dreads...hee-hee. I think you would be cute no matter what you decide! You have always been!

Becky A said...

jeni, this is the ultimate BB!

Steph said...

I love the look also. It really is too bad there is a stigma with it, cause I have said it many times, that I would love to have dreads myself. Go for it.

Debbie said...

I wanted to pierce my tongue when I was 40, but I just wanted to do it for shock value. I think that your thick, beautiful, long hair would make some very cool dreads.