Monday, September 15, 2008


Buggy finally started preschool! She has been SO excited since the big kids started school, and last tuesday she finally got to go all by herself. She was a little confused, she thought the bus was going to pick her up and that she would have a desk and school lunch. Those were her 3 most exciting elements! Once she got over the disappointment, she settled for recess, a back pack, and snacks. She was hesitant for me to leave at first, but I just had to grit my teeth and leave the room, putting total trust in Miss Laney and Miss Sheryl. By the time I came to pick her up she was hugging her teacher and not ready to leave! This really was a big day for Lucy, because the girl hasn't left my side in the past 2 years. She wasn't quite so clingy as a baby, but since about 2 yrs old she has really been a mama's girl. Which is fine with me about half the time. The other half it makes me crazy! So now that she is learning to be independent, it is really making her a nicer girl. Finally getting over her terrible twos, I guess, just in time for Little Odie to enter them...and boy, is he ever!


Diane B said...

Way to go Lucy! Have fun at preschool!
XO Gram

Beckey said...

How fun for Lucy! Halle is a mama's girl big time! I feel the same as you do about it...I love it about half the time! Cute cute kids!

Jenny Kapp said...

I love the pose Lucy struck. So cute! Fun for mom to have some time with only one - wow one!!

meegz said...

Good old Miss Laney!:) She'll have fun I'm sure -- enjoy your time with one!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine Owen being anything but sweet. I'm so happy for Lucy finding her independence, cute little thing!

amy said...

Yippy for preschool!

Ellie McFreaken said...

Yeah for Lucy! She looks so cute and ready to go!
With each of us having one kid for a few hours....Let's get our boys and go play one day!

Joanna said...

so with Lucy gone you are down to just one for a few hours as well, am I right? HEAVEN!!

Jeni said...

Oh your kids are so cute I could just gobble them up. I can't believe how fast they grow up.

Becky A said...

good idea, angie! odie would love that!