Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Donuts and Snow...

My cabinets are being installed in my kitchen right now, and I am so excited I can't even stand it! So I will blog to try to entertain myself while I wait!

Saturday was our annual, (since I was a child) donut making day at my mom's. My mom does most of the work, we get to eat as many donuts as we can, and hang out all day with the fam. Yum! We ended up making somewhere around 600 donuts!

And then Sunday morning we woke up to SNOW! And not just a little dusting. It really snowed! My kids were SO excited, they had to get their gear on right away and head out in it. Here's little Odie peeking out his window to check it out.And Will. This is the boy who was crying 3 days ago at the prospect of snow. "The garden will die!"... Not so sad anymore!They even continued their play after church at Pop and Gram's with the cousins. They built this awesome fort, and stayed out until dark! Now Will is crying that the fort is going to melt. He's overly sensitive!


Jeni said...

That was the best doughnut I have ever tasted! You will never know how much that simple act of kindness touched my heart. :) you rock.

Debbie said...

I often think that I am going to drop in on donut day. I love all of the fun traditions your family has.

Beckey said...

I cannot believe it snowed that much in October! I heard 11 inches in some places! Wow! And...600 doughnuts??? Wow too! Sounds like a lot of fun though, what a great tradition!

Tiffany said...

Oh they were so good and just what we needed... Thank you so much! Yum Yum

Jodi said...

Becky!!! What a fun tradition for your family, and so yummy for all of us! You are always so kind to share!!! They were so so good!! I am with Jeni, what a kind thing to do and how much it meant to us you thought of us!! Tell your mother thank you!!
ps so sorry dinner was so late last night, I got stuck in the Dr's office all day!

meegz said...

Those kids must love you to pieces. I make doughnuts once a year and I'm really not in love wiht the kids going out to play in the snow -- it's so dirty! I let em, but I don't like it.:)

I guess now that they are bigger and I don' thave to bundle and unbundle them it's a little better.

take care --
the snow humbug!:)

Cory said...

Thanks for posting pictures of D Day and the first snow. Sometimes we forget what we're missing by being so far away.

Joanna said...

man we are enjoying wonderful fall weather here. In the 70's, sunny and no clouds AND we are at peak foliage so life is good (kind of)

Diane B said...

Debbie, you can come to D day anytime, we'd love to have you join the fun.

Cory, we always miss you guys being here for D day.

GINGER said...

What a fun tradition!!! Your mom is such a talented lady. I remember her doughnuts from many many years ago. I bet the kids all had so much fun.

I can't wait to see your new kitchen. I bet you will be in heaven.

Diana said...

I remember stopping by a few years ago to drop something off not knowing it was your traditional D Day and thinking you all looked like something out of a Hallmark or mormon ad commerical. Your fam always amazes me.

Ellie McFreaken said...

OKay I am going to sound like a broken record here but seriously...best doughnuts ever! Here's a secret for ya...I HID one when no one was looking so I could have it later by myself! Selfish but SOOOOO worth it!
That was so nice of you to think of us.
I can't wait to see your cabinets! I may have stop by on my daily run to Target tomorrow! :)

Becky A said...

meegz, I don't like the snow-playing really, either. I grit my teeth and bear it! And we only do donuts once a year. I'm impressed that you do, too!

Shaury said...

Angie, you do a daily run to target, good grief. The donuts were extra tasty this year. I love my family too. Beck, when can I come see the kitchen?

Cory said...

Forgot to ask if there were any grease burns or belly aches on Donut Day ....

Ellie McFreaken said...

Shaury...it does seem like it is Daily although I probably exaggerated a bit :) I do love it though!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if Angie meant a daily "RUN" like a using your legs run, or just a quick trip in the car. I mean I guess running literally to target would be a great thing. :) The donuts were yummy, and I also hid and retrieved later.

Jenny Kapp said...

Hey - I have been on vacation! Get off my laughing as hard as I can back! Loved the donuts...Elise said they were absolutely delicious!!

Diane B said...

Cory, yes, Michael had a bad grease burn & there were stomach aches all around! Just part of the fun.

Angie said...

I LOVE, LOVE doughnut day!!! They are the best donuts in the world. Thanks for always remembering us.

Jodi said...

Becky!! You've been tagged!! Visit my blog for details!!

Wow, you get a lot of comments on your posts!!!

Stacy said...

Hey Becky, I am sure your kitchen is so much fun but really, you don't have to spend every waking moment in it and neglect this cute blog of yours. hee-hee! I can't wait to see pictures of this beautiful new kitchen.
By the way, thanks to this blog I now have the worst craving for homemade doughnuts. lol

Aleesha said...

So not to be greedy or anything...but where were my donuts!!!!!! I thought that maybe you weren't handing them out to anyone this year, but as I scroll down and see all the people saying how yummy they were....... I'm trying really hard not to be offended. :)

meegz said...

Becky -- where'd you go -- it's not like you to go a week without a post.:)

Jeni said...

i miss you.

GINGER said...

Becky, I am missing you. I keep checking back, but no you yet.

Jeni said...

miss you again today.