Today is my baby boy's birthday. He is really taking it to heart, and has become the most terrible of terrible twos the past month.
Did someone once say that the better the baby, the worse he will be as a toddler? Because Owen is proving that statement. He was the BEST baby, in every way. Great sleeper, eater, pleasant disposition, etc. He is making up for that now. He throws at least 3 temper tantrums a day. The kid is wearing me out!
He wakes up many a morning screaming, and yelling contrary things to whatever I say, "No. Willie not seepin. anymore!"
Breakfast can easily bring on another yelling fit. "No! Not! Mine! Seat! Odie want sconey waffle! No. Not. cereal! anymore!"
If we have anywhere to go, he is screaming as I hold him down to buckle his seat. "Not buckle Odie! Not! Mine! Seat! Ucy seat!"
In the store, he screams more. "Put me down! Not! Ride! In! Seat!"
Lots of times during the day I hear "Want! Mine! Daddy!"
If he is crying about something, and after 20 questions I still can't help him solve his problem, I tell him to use his words. "Not! use! mine! words!" Which is actually a good use of his words, but doesn't help me stop the crying.
He's cute. He's really, really, cute. His smile is to die for. His eyes are the deepest blue. His hair is thick and coarse and blond. He loves elephants, he calls them "elements" ...He can say the L sound, but not the ph. He knows all his colors, his favorite is green. He loves to play with his older siblings and Thomas guys. ("Nomas") He loves to sing songs and dance. He loves to eat beans. He gets extremely excited when we mention beans, or walk in to bajio's. Did I mention he's cute? But he is definitely 2, and is wearing me out!
Hopefully in a few months I can re-read this and see that it was only a phase. He asked me earlier "where mine birday cake?" Right now he is telling Lucy "Odie hab nap day! Pun!" so I guess he's excited for his nap today. I am too!
Love you, Odie. Happy birthday!