I read a friend's blog this morning, and have been thinking about it ever since. She had a post where she listed 100 (it may have been 101) random things about herself. I have been thinking of 100 random things about myself all day, so decided to sit down for 20 min. and get it out of my head. so here they are, in no particular order, 100 random things that you may, or may not, know about me...
1. Sometimes, I think my kids are perfect. Other times, I worry so much about their imperfections that it makes me sick.
2. I have to remind myself how perfect my husband is. (if my mom doesn't remind me enough.)
3. I love anything chocolate. I actually love to eat, period.
4. I wish I excercised more.
5. I wish my house had more windows.
6. I don't eat red meat, all because of a good friend in High School, (yes, it's Jeffie) who has since passed away.
7. I can count on one hand the people who REALLY know me, and more than half of them I don't have much contact with anymore.
8. There are a few people in my life today that I would like to know better, and to let them get to know me.
9. It takes effort to be my friend, I know. Thanks for making the effort, Ta.
10. I'm a loner, and I don't mind.
11. Sometimes I swear I have OCD.
12. I still lay out all 5 of my kids clothes for the next day, and only Lucy (3) doesnt wear what I choose.
13. I spend way too much money on kids clothes. Not that they're the best dressed kids on the block, it's not name brand I'm going for, just quality and I'm picky about details.
14. Brandon actually "gets" me on this, and agrees and supports my weirdness about it.
15. I don't let my kids watch tv at all on school days/nights, but as soon as they are in bed, (when I'm not working) Brandon and I watch way too much tv that is probably inappropriate.
16. I watch too much MTV.
17. I'm not as nice to brandon as he is to me.
18. I see myself as a very negative person, and I don't like it at all! that is the personality trait that I constantly work on.
19. I look up to people (one family in particular) who strive to be active with their kids. I try, but we're not quite as good as I'd like to be...yet!
20. I am not a clean freak.
21. I LOVE to bake! Yummy treats to share.
22. I feel offended when people act like being shy is a bad thing. It's not, unless you don't like to be shy, then you can work on that and not be shy anymore if you want, but I'm fine with being shy most of the time.
23. I love to sing, it is my favorite talent.
24. I wish so bad I could play the guitar, Brandon gave me one for my birthday years ago, but I can't do much with it.
25. I don't like when people brag about their kids. It makes me jealous and I want to brag about mine, but I know people don't want to hear it unless they are: a. Grandma, b. another close relative with no young children or grandchildren of their own. or c. a best friend, who knows that you love their kids as much as they love yours. You know, a cute little comment here and there is always fun to hear, but we all know people who just brag constantly!
26. I don't like guns and other weapons at all. even toy ones. I think some parents don't take violence serious enough.
27. Brandon also agrees with me on that one.
28. My cousin once told me that Brandon and I are soul mates. that was one of the best compliments I have received, and I have never forgotten it.
29. Some people think brandon just agrees with me because he's afraid not too, but they just don't understand us. We have been through alot together that other people don't even know about. Brandon is awesome!
30. We really didn't want any boys on our third pregnancy, but now the boys we got are golden!
31. When I was a kid, I wanted 5 boys. I couldn't picture myself with girls!
32. I love going to the temple with Brandon. We didn't go for alot of years, and now we are trying to go again, and I know he feels the same way about it as I do.
33. When I was a kid, I was terrified of growing up.
34. When I was a kid, I had a constant story running in my head. I thought I was going to write a book someday.
35. I love all 4 seasons in Utah. I try not to ever complain about the weather. It is a part of nature, and I love the amazing world God created for us.
36. I wish I grew a garden.
37. I seriously NEED a new kitchen.
38. I would rather go to Yellowstone than Disneyland, and love that my kids feel the same.
39. I don't like to read LDS books, novels or otherwise.
40. I didn't love the Twilight Series as much as everyone else.
41. I do love Harry Potter, and listen to the books on tape over and over again.
42. I wish Brandon and I were farmers.
43. I went to 2 years of college and have nothing to show for it, except I did learn alot of life lessons. :)
44. I often wonder what happened to alot of the people that I was close to at college.
45. Brandon dated a Utah Jazz Dancer, but I dated a College Basketball Player (Montana State). I think they're equal, but he makes a bigger deal about his.
46. I don't shave my legs, except for in the summer. (I used to not shave at all.)
47. I usually have a child in bed with me, and I don't mind.
48. I love Bajio's.
49. I recycle everything I possibly can.
50. I don't love being involved in the pta.
51. I can't believe Abby is going to enter SJH this fall!
52. I have tremendous guilt about working, but I also have guilt when I don't work, so I do.
53. I think my dad is all-knowing, never wrong.
54. My mom is one of my favorite people.
55. I don't understand why people hate laundry so bad.
56. I am very intimidated by Brandon's family. Still...I don't think I'll ever get over it. They're all very nice, though, don't get the wrong idea.
57. Sometimes I think I share my opinion too much in book club. they think i'm a heathen.
58. I'm copying someone here...I, too, feel stupid in sunday school.
59. I cannot call people on the phone unless I absolutely have to. I make Brandon, Abby even Phoebe sometimes. It's a disorder.
60. I am very uncomfortable at large gatherings.
61. I am very uncomfortable wearing make-up.
62. I love getting text messages from my husband and my mom. and probably anyone else, they are just the only ones I get them from.
63. I am in a dinner group and I absolutely LOVE it!
64. When people tell me how busy they are, it bugs me, because I think EVERYONE is busy, just in different ways.
65. I hope my children never have self-esteem issues.
66. I am very hard on Abby, because she is my oldest, and I see myself in her.
67. I don't like going to the dentist, but not for the same reason as most people. It's the shy thing again.
68. My dryer just buzzed.
69. My best girlfriend moved too far away, and I'm afraid she's never coming back! (miss you, Ta)
70. I actually like to sit in the nursery with Odie, or the Primary with Lucy, sometimes!
71. I almost don't want anyone to read my blog. It kind of makes me uncomfortable.
72. I skipped 1st grade. I don't recommend it.
73. I don't care if people think i'm weird, but I don't like people to think i'm dumb.
74. I work at IRS
75. If I had another baby, she would be named Lily. He would be named maybe Ammon? or jack.
76. I miss my childhood best friend alot, I can't understand why it's so hard to reconnect.
77. I don't do my own taxes.
78. My parents still spoil me.
79. I married Travis Poll when we were 5. It was our brothers idea.
80. I married Justin Poll in 2nd grade, Mrs. Chambers class. He is still not married, and every time I see his mom, she blames me for this.
81. My first kiss was Jared Poll. (I guess Polls are all you have to choose from in SW.) I'll skip the details, since Abby is my faithful blog reader. But I was definitely quite a bit older than she is now.
82. When I'm at work, I realize that there are alot of people in the world that aren't very nice.
83. I am obsessed with names. My best friend and I used to analyze them daily when we worked together.
84. I think Snoop Dogg is sexy.
85. I love Apolo Anton Ohno.
86. Book Club is the highlight of my month.
87. My hair is longer than you realize. I wear it up all the time.
88. My sons are both named after grandfathers.
89. I'm more sensitive than I let on.
90. I don't cry very much, but I get tears in my eyes, happy and sad, about my kids constantly.
91. My kids eat too many big macs. (even Lucy and Owen) I have guilt over my childrens eating habits. At least they aren't picky.
92. 100 is a long list. When I see blog posts this long, I usually opt out of reading them all. thanx for hanging with me!
93. I am fine with skipping a shower now and then. I can camp for 5 days without a shower, and I really don't care. Sorry if that grosses some of you out.
94. Brandon thinks I take this blog thing a little too far.
95. I love to go tanning.
96. I don't really like surprises.
97. I am NOT romantic.
98. I ran into a wall at my house in college and knocked my front tooth out. I seriously have not felt the same about my appearance since. and no, I was not drunk.
99. I had some great roommates in college, but one girl I still do not even like to think about her to this day. not a pleasant person.
100. I don't want to leave this on a negative note, and 99 was pretty bad, so I'll try to think of something good for the last one...I have cute toes.