Tuesday, April 21, 2009

all good things must end...

We had so much fun going to the Music Man every weekend for the past 3 months. With opening night in February, and the Finale in April, it was a really long run. Phoebe was double cast as Amaryllis, so she was in every other show. It ran on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays. SUCH a talented cast! Marian was beautiful and had a flawless voice, Harold's voice was also amazing, and all the other main characters were very talented as well. My personal favorite was Zaneeta. She was adorable! And cute little Bryce who played Winthrop, he was too cute. In fact, he ended up having a little crush on Phoebe. He left love notes for her, and candy hearts in her coat pocket, and was always telling everyone that he liked her. The best part is, he takes dance from the same teacher as Phoebe does, so we haven't seen the last of him. His sister is in Phoebe's dance class, and he comes to watch sometimes. Of course, Phoebe couldn't be more embarrassed by it all, but that just makes it funnier...(Winthrop and Amaryllis)

I am so proud of my little Phoebe. This is the girl who would not go ANYWHERE without me for 8 years! She would cling to me like no other. Never going to nursery, struggling with preschool, making me stay at dance with her, and very nervous about soccer and softball without mommy nearby. My friend Michele, who is in a lot of productions herself, wanted Phoebe to audition with her son for Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat the summer before 1st grade. With me by her side for the audition, she got a role in the children's chorus. She has been hooked ever since. Last Christmas she was Little Miss Muffet in Babes in Toyland (Also with Michele and Zach) But those were both at the theater in Brigham. This was her first time at the terrace playhouse, and without Michele. She was wonderful, and made some really fun friends. All of my other kids love to go see her, and each of them have their favorite songs, parts and characters in whatever show she is in.

"Amaryllith, Amaryllith, how sweet..."

Wells Fargo Wagon

It has been such a great experience for Phoebe and our family. We can't wait to see what she will do next!


Jeni said...

soooooooooo amazing. I've been hoping for a post on the Music Man. I am so proud of phoebe, too! I only wish I would have gotten off my behind to go see her!
This looks like so- much- fun!

Jeni said...

becky...was it hard for her to learn her lines?...and how did she learn her lines?

Jenny Kapp said...

Very fun! Cute girl!

Beckey said...

That is awesome! Maybe someday she'll make it to Broadway!

Aleesha said...

What a fun thing for her to do. I would love it if my little Maya liked doing stuff like that. I feel bad that I never went and saw her. I totally forgot she was in it until you posted this. I bet she did wonderful!

Jodi said...

Becky!! What a great post!!! That is so exciting and neat that Phoebe was able to be a part of such a fun production!!! I also feel so sad we never went and saw it!! Can't wait to see what she does next!!! She is such an adorabe girl!!!

pcb said...

I am sad that we never got to see it too. I was in theater when I was her age too (bet you didn't know that). I also took Drama all four years of HS. I was going to take it in college too - but sometimes drama people are weird as adults.

Ellie McFreaken said...

What a cute cute talented gal...just like her Mama. I too wish I would have gotten it together to go see her. I wanted to but remember how bad my memory is???? I am bummed we missed it!
Were you in plays when you were little too? I know you can sing...did you act too?

Becky A said...

no acting by me...

Diana said...

Sounds like the little star needs to do another play - so all of us in Blog world can go support. Next time I will cordiate it and all us ladies will be her biggest fan. Do you know if the playhouse offers any summer drama classes for beginner? McKenna has expressed some interest.

Jenny Lee said...

Good job Phoebe! She has always impressed me. I still remember our first Sunday in South Weber and seeing your darling beautiful family. I thought Phoebe was just a little doll. She should be a child movie star!

Joanna said...

how FUN and how great that you give her that opportunity.