Thursday, May 14, 2009

ballet bun

I've had a few people ask me how to do ballet buns.  I decided a blog post would be the easiest starting point to show you. First of all, I'm afraid this is going to be a little wordy.  I'll try to keep it simple.  And Jeni, you know how Jason and you are about your yard and vehicles? I'm that way about my girl's hopefully you can just take what you need.  Also, please excuse Phoebe's puffy eyes, I took these on Sunday, after a long day Saturday and early church sunday morning.
In the hair world, please remember that there are many different types of hair, head shapes, hair lines, etc, so what works for me and my girls may not work for you.  I'll try to give a few different options so you can use what you like.  And I have had absolutely no professional hair training.  Unless you count barbies when I was 10, and my 3 daughters, who have been my guinea pigs since birth.
Now on with the lesson.
The first thing to decide is how you want to pull the hair back.  Phoebe has a low hairline, and her hair looks better parted to the side rather than pulled straight back.  Plus I like the sleek look for ballet, so I do "barbie bangs" on her.  If you've ever noticed how most barbies come, they have this little trick done on their hair.  It also works better because I like ballet buns to be a bit higher than regular ponies or buns that I do.
so first:  Barbie Bangs
Part the hair on the side, I like to go even further to the side than usual.  

Next, section off a "bang width" portion of hair, and smooth it over to the side.  I am not a product guru,  but use what you like to keep it sleek.  I work with a squirt bottle instead of fresh from the bath soaking wet hair, but I do keep it fairly wet.  Anyway, comb that piece over and do the same on the other side.  

Then you are going to pull those sections back and secure them at the nape of the neck with a baby elastic under the rest of the hair.  

Now, you don't have to do those, just pull the hair back to a pony however you choose.  If you did the barbie bangs, join that little pony up with the rest in a big, kind of high pony.  Not on top of the head, just at the top of the back of the head.  That's where I like it, anyways.
From here there are a few different options, too.  You can braid, which is probably the easiest, or I like to corkscrew.  I've found that braided or corkscrewed buns stay better for Phoebe's long hair, and look sleeker for ballet, too.
Corkscrew is my favorite, I like the way it looks.
To do a basic corkscrew braid, you use 2 sections of hair.  Get them fairly wet to prevent flyaways.  
Now you are going to twist the 2 sections clockwise while you twist them together in the opposite direction. 

 Keep it as tight and smooth as you can, and go as far down as you can.  secure it with a clear baby elastic. 
 Phoebe's usually loosen up just a bit after I let go of them, that's ok.  
then wrap it around the pony, and bobby pin like crazy.


 I also hairspray it like crazy...after all, it has to survive through 4 costume changes! 
Braided buns are the same, but with a braid instead.  It works just as well, but looks a little different.
Isn't this a beautiful costume? I love the pink and red.
I hope this made sense!  Let me know if it didn't, I'll try to improve it.


Cory said...

I don't know much about hair and I sure don't have enough of my own for it to matter. But you sure have a beautiful model for this blog entry.

Ellie McFreaken said...

SWEET!!!! Just in time for the recital. Ellie's hair has gotten so long that this will be perfect. I love the barbie bags and will try the trick for pulling it back with a little rubbie.
Oh please do some more hair demos' another are the PRO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sooo beautiful. I'm worried, though. I'm not about my yard or my car, and not about my girls' hair. What AM I about? I had better find something, I guess.

Beckey said...

So pretty! I love the "barbie bangs"..I used to do them on Madison when she had long hair. Have you ever done the bun where you put the hair in the pony tail, then take small small sections of hair and wrap them around your fingers to make the loops and then bobby pin each one down? It takes FOR EVER but Madison used to always want me to do her hair like that when she was in dance. It's really pretty too, I used lots of hairspray and lots of bobby pins too. You'll have to try it if you haven't ever done it. I think I have a picture of hers if you need a visual, let me know! I miss playing with long hair...maybe Halle will grow hers long! :(

Becky A said...

k, Mandy, I can list about a million things about about we just say you are a practically perfect person in every way? I mostly just meant I'm a bit anal (and annoying) about my girls hair...

Diana said...

I'm surprised Mrs. Peek hasn't put a link of this on her blog. Thanks for sharing your secrets. Your girls always look darling. I am not a mom for girls hair. I think after my 1st girl, Heavenly Father took pity on me and sent the next with perfect curls. IF, there were ever a 5th, I would hope for a boy just to avoid the hair issue. McKenna will not let me help her at all and it drives me crazy to see her hair always hanging in her face. Oh well - gotta love em!

GINGER said...

Becky, I LOVED this. And I am a total hair nut. My poor girls have sat for hours and hours and hours. In all those hours thought I never quite figured out the barbie bang thing. You are amazing. I can't wait to do Chloe's hair this way.

Becky A said...

Jeni, please don't be offended, I didn't mean you guys were annoying about your yard and cars, just had to add that... :)

pcb said...

I don't know how I missed this update? I was just coming to your blog to make a sarcastic comment about updating it. I love your girls' hair. I can't even do my own hair let alone someone elses. I think I can operate a barrett - that is about it.

Joanna said...

my girls would kill for that hair, but their mean mother keeps it SHORT! Easier for them to wash and comb. Your girls have beautiful hair.

Jeni said...

oh becky!!! you're too funny and you should know me better than to think I would get offended...I'm laughing my butt off. :)
Jason's the anal one anyway...I'm the minimalist slacker and proud of it.

I KNOW this post was especially just for me (since I was one of those who asked for it).
Now...a few questions...if my girls' bangs won't fit in a pony-tail back underneath.. what would you do?
And I want to know names of what products you do use...I don't care if it's suave or girls get terrible flyaway hairs.

Phoebe IS absolutely GORGEOUS!

Diane B said...

Beautiful Phoebe! And talented mom! AND I loved the song Black Horse and the Cherry Tree. That is my favorite performance that Megan Joy sang on Am Idol...she did an awesome job, even though it's not really my kind of music, very catchy.

Shaury said...

You're so good with your girls hairs. I too would like to see more posts like this. Poor Hazel has much to look forward to.

Aleesha said...

Good to know. I'll need to tuck this away for future reference. What else ya got up your sleeve?

amy said...

Thanks Becky! Your directions for barbie bangs just saved my girls from having 3 bobby pins stuck at the bottom of their neck. I never thought to just put a pony there - duh! I'm glad that Ginger used your directions tonight so that I could ask and get sent to you. Jessica's bun maker is so easy to use, but this makes such a pretty bun we'll have to try it tomorrow

Jenny Lee said...

Wow! I somehow missed seeing this post and my girl's dance recital was this week right when I really could have used it! I'm still going to try it though. I always admired how beautiful your girls hair always looked and the numerous ways you could do it. You're amazing. Please post more hair syle's! I miss Mrs. Peek's dance recital and how professional it is. Ours was good but it lacked all the costume changes and the ability level of Mrs. Peeks.

Beckey said...

Becky- I was just looking at your cute bun how-to again and my Halle saw the last picture and said "Oh mom, look, she's a princess!" I was just too cute. So you'll have to tell Phoebe she's a princess for Halle!